

About Progress

PROGRESS uses a multi-tiered approach to address key causes of rural household vulnerability, improving the absorptive, adaptive and transformative capacities of at least 20,000 households in Nyanga and Beitbridge Districts. The aim is to increase household income while diversifying and strengthening livelihoods opportunities; introduce mechanisation to improve productivity; develop irrigation; strengthen disaster risk management; link farmers to markets and to financial institutions; and leverage indigenous knowledge for resilience building. This will be achieved by transformative change by improving governance and accountability, facilitating greater participation of women and youth in community decision-making and increasing their control of resources. Estimated project duration of the full project is 36 months. Estimated total budget for the life of the project USD 6,000,000. 20,000 Households that is 90,000 people are expected to directly benefit from the project.

The Programme for Growth & Resilience (PROGRESS) is designed with the understanding that building the resilience of rural communities requires multi-dimensional interventions at the household, community, and government/systemic level that need to respond to the specific shocks and stresses as well as existing production patterns and capacities in the target areas that are most promising for strengthening household and community resilience. The project is thoroughly demand-driven in that it offers a menu of option that can be tailored to the social, economic, environmental and contextual constraints while responding to needs and opportunities identified as part of a Disaster Risk Management (DRM) analysis and planning process.

The PROGRESS consortium combines varied expertise in a group uniquely qualified to deliver resilience outcomes. All five partners bring specific technical expertise and past experience, expertise in all the thematic areas and geographic experience in both districts.

Project Partners

International Rescue Committee (IRC)

Lead Overall consortium coordination; lead on DRM activities (outcome 1); lead on activities in outcome 2 in Nyanga District; coordinate women’s empowerment activities (outcome 3) Experience in disaster risk reduction programming in Masvingo and Manicaland province since 2013; significant past experience in market linkages, support to smallholder farmers, climate-smart agriculture; solid partnerships with local authorities & private sector


Lead on roll out of mechanisation and use of appropriate technologies (outcome 2b) – 30 years of maize breeding for drought tolerant and low-fertility soils. Promotion of maize-legume rotations; More than 12 years’ experience in promoting and adapting CA in Eastern and Southern Africa.


The TFCA is in between Zimbabwe and Zambia encompassing the rich ecosystem of the Zambezi valley. Dream project in Chirundu, Hurungwe and Mbire.

BioHub Trust

Lead on livestock and household food and nutrition security, particularly on non-forest timber products and indigenous species (outcome 2). Experience in community engagement in Zimbabwe in agriculture and natural resource management (NRM). Experience in developing innovation platforms as a tool for local communities to understand how they can find problems with their agriculture and NRM livelihood activities. Experience in forest research, forest foods and utilisation of non-forest timber products and REDD+

Matopos Research Institute (MRI)

Technical partner, with no direct transfer of funds, providing expertise for research component on livestock elements of outcome 2; lead technical support and provide training on use of artificial insemination. Part of the Department of Research and Specialist Services), conducts research and develops appropriate and sustainable technologies for livestock production in natural regions 3, 4 and 5 of Zimbabwe.

The PROGRESS logical model and theory of change are closely aligned with the ZRBF Theory of Change and the Government of Zimbabwe’s Strategic Framework for Resilience and addresses central issues referenced in the ZRBF call for proposals: vulnerability due to low income levels, limited access to food, low agricultural productivity, and limited market access.

Project Information


Project Name:






Implementation Period:

July 2017 – June 2022


BHT Focus:

-Sustainable Utilization Of Natural Resources Through Promotion Of Value Chain And Market Linkages Of NTFPs (Marula, Honey, Baobab, Mopane Worms And Indigenous Vegetables).

-Bush Meal And Fodder Production For Livestock Feed And Dry Land Crop Production

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