Piloting the Resilient Livelihood Innovations through Agro-ecological Practices (PReLIAP) in Mbire District
BHT Focus
Climate Change, Food Insecurity – production of high protein food (Fish, Pork & Plant Protein – beans, peas) and nutrition garden (organic vegetables) using local inputs.
Human Wildlife Conflict – reducing crocodile attacks on humans and livestock along Manyame River.
Unaffordable Stockfeed – Community based feed formulation for livestock using local available resources and fodder production (legumes and cereals).
Soil Infertility – Natural soil improvement techniques using biochar, fortified with organic manure from the piggery and wastewater from fish pond. (Reduced use of synthetic fertilizers).
Limited Household Income – Business development model – commercialization of farm produce (vegetables, fish and pigs; beekeeping) and livestock feed. Local value chain (from production to post harvest storage and market intelligence).