ICPs for Livestock Improvement Systems (LIPS-ZIM) Project

BHT Focus

  • Setting up ICPs to improve community engagement and community capacitation on issues under research and to foster identification and development of local solutions to local problems in 27 wards in 9 Districts (Fodder Production, Livestock Marketing, Livestock Diseases & Veterinary Drugs).

ICPs as in this case are largely embedded in farmer consultations and engagements throughout the whole research process (putting heads together). In this regard, the ICPs are designed to:

  1. Put research experts and farmers on the same platform. 
  2. Offer an opportunity for research experts and farmers to identify challenges together.
  3. Continuous learning opportunity for both research experts and farmers through established ICPs.

Project Information


Project Name:



Funded by:

European Union





Implementation Period:

2020 – 2024

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